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How I can change my Stripe Password?
How to update business name shown on customer bank statements?
What business name my customers see on their bank or credit card statement?
What is waiting period for first payout on Stripe?
Stripe Charges ?
How to open and set-up my account ?
How do I activate my stripe account ?
Why its showing error & warning of “your account cannot make live changes” ?
How to refund transaction ?
How to change bank account in Stripe?
How to refund transaction ?
# To refund transaction, kindly request you to follow below steps.
1. Launch the app
2. Tap on Menu icon -> Tap on My Transactions
3. Search your Transaction.
4. Tap on respective card transaction.
5. On transaction detail, you can able to see option of "Refund"
6. Tap on Refund option